Type Alias

A type alias defines a new name for an existing type. Type aliases are declared with the keyword type.

  1. Improving Readability

Type aliases can make complex types easier to read and understand.

  1. Enhancing Maintainability

Type aliases can help centralize the definition of a type, making it easier to update the type across the codebase.

Point to remember

The first letter of the type should be in upper case.

// type alias

type Bannertype = u32;

fn main() {
    let mut id: Bannertype = 91615214;
    id = 91615200;

Another example

type Kilometers = i32;
type Meters = i32;

fn calculate_distance(distance: Kilometers) -> Meters {
    distance * 1000

fn main() {
    let distance: Kilometers = 5;
    let distance_in_meters: Meters = calculate_distance(distance);
    println!("Distance in meters: {}", distance_in_meters);