VS Code

Download and Install VS Code. (This is different from Visual Studio)

{% embed url="https://code.visualstudio.com/" %}

Windows Users

Create a new folder on your c:\

Let's call it


Open VS Code

Goto File > Add Folder to Workspace

Choose  c:\learning\rustpgm and click Add

Click Trust / Ok if it prompts.

Goto File > Save Workspace and save the workspace as **rustpgm.code-workspace**

Right-click on rustpgm and choose New File

Name the file as 01.rs

Copy the sample rust code

// Sample Code

fn main(){
    println!("Hello World");

Save the Script (press Ctrl + S or File > Save)

Click New Terminal

Make sure you are in this folder  c:\learning\rustpgm


**rustc 01.rs**

once compilation is done.

Verify  the result by listing the file contents


Execute the program by typing the following


Mac Users

Create a new folder on your Documents folder

Let's call it


**Open VS Code**

Goto File > Add Folder to Workspace

Choose  /Documents/learning/rustpgm and click Add

Click Trust / Ok if it prompts.

Goto File > Save Workspace and save the workspace as **rustpgm.code-workspace**

Right-click on rustpgm and choose New File

Name the file as 01.rs

Copy the sample rust code

fn main(){
    println!("Hello World");

Save the Script (press Ctrl + S or File > Save)

Click New Terminal

Make sure you are in this folder Documents/learning/rustpgm


rustc 01.rs

once compilation is done.

Verify the result by listing the file contents


Execute the program by typing the following


VS Code Extensions

Preferred Extensions for Rust