
Constant variables are ones that are declared constant throughout the program scope, meaning, their value cannot be modified. They can be defined in the global and local scope.

All letters should be UPPER CASE and words separated by underscore (_)




const ID_1: i32 = 4; // define a global constant variable

fn main() {
    const ID_2: u32 = 3; // define a local constant variable
    println!("ID:{}", ID_1); // print the global constant variable
    println!("ID:{}", ID_2); // print the local constant variable

How is it different from let immutable variables

ConstImmutable Let
declared using constdeclaured using let
mandatory to define the data typedata type declaration is optional
The Value of const is set before running the programVariable can store the result at runtime
Const cannot be shadowedlet can be shadowed