Rust is used for...

Src: Unknown

  • Audio programming: Rust's performance and low-level control are beneficial for developing audio processing applications.

  • Blockchain: Rust is used in blockchain projects like Substrate due to its performance and safety features.

  • Cloud computing applications: Rust can be used to build efficient cloud-native applications.

  • Cloud computing infrastructure or utilities: Rust's performance and concurrency are ideal for infrastructure tools and utilities.

  • Computer graphics: Libraries like gfx-rs are used for graphics programming in Rust.

  • Data science: While not as dominant as Python, Rust has growing support for data science through libraries like Polars.

  • Desktop computer application frontend: Frameworks like druid allow for building desktop applications.

  • Desktop computer or mobile phone libraries or services: Rust is used to create backend services and libraries that power applications.

  • Distributed systems: Rust is used in distributed systems projects like TiKV due to its performance and safety.

  • Embedded devices (bare metal): Rust's control over memory and safety features make it suitable for bare-metal programming.

  • Embedded devices (with operating systems): Rust can be used to develop applications for embedded devices with operating systems.

  • HPC (High-performance [Super]Computing): Rust is used in high-performance computing applications.

  • IoT (Internet of Things): Rust is suitable for IoT applications due to its low-level control and performance.

  • Machine learning: Rust's ecosystem is growing in machine learning, with libraries like tch-rs.

  • Mobile phone application frontend: Rust can be used in mobile app development, particularly for performance-critical components.

  • Computer networking: Rust is popular for building networking applications due to its safety and concurrency features.

  • Programming languages and related tools (including compilers, IDEs, standard libraries, etc.):

  • Rust is used for developing new programming languages and related tools.

  • Robotics: Rust's safety and performance are advantageous in robotics applications.

  • Computer security: Rust's safety features help in developing secure applications.

  • Scientific and/or numeric computing: Rust is used for scientific computing due to its performance.

  • Server-side or "backend" application: Rust is widely used for backend development.

  • Simulation: Rust is suitable for simulation applications due to its performance.

  • Web application frontend: Through WebAssembly, Rust can be used for web frontend development.

  • WebAssembly: Rust is frequently compiled to WebAssembly for high-performance web applications.