// Owner - Borrower - Stack - Heap - Slices
fn main() {
//Create a String Object o with the value Rachel Green
let o = String::from("Rachel Green");
println!("Value of the variable 'o' is {o}");
// .len() - returns the actual length
println!("\nString Length: {}", o.len());
// .capacity() - memory reserved for String Object
println!("String Capacity: {}", o.capacity());
// as_ptr(): Returns a raw pointer to the underlying data in this cell.
println!("Heap location of {o} starts at {:p}", o.as_ptr());
//Slicing variable o and get the second portion of the variable, that is, Green
let s = &o[7..12];
println!("\nValue of the variable 's' is {s}");
println!("Heap location of {s} starts at {:p}", s.as_ptr());
// Get the stack location of variables o and s
println!("\nStack location of owner 'o' {:p}", &o);
println!("Stack location of owner 's' {:p}", &s);
// o is the owner, and b is the borrower.
let b = &o;
println!("\nBorrower 'b' is {}", b);
println!("Borrower 'b' points to Owner 'o' {:p}", b);
println!("Stack location of borrower 'b' {:p}", &b);
println!("Value borrower 'b' pointing to 'o' location {:p}",b.as_ptr());