Control Cargo Tests

To test all the Test Cases

cargo test

Test Arguments

cargo test [arguments1] -- [arguments2]

>arguments1 are the arguments for test utility like  help

cargo test --help

>arguments2 are the arguments for the application it's testing.

By default, cargo displays detailed output for failed test cases. To see the standard output for Success or Failure tests

cargo test -- --show-output

Make sure there is no space between --show-output 

Parallel Test Execution

By default, tests run in parallel by making use of the multi-core architecture.

In some situations (like file handling) there will be a race condition. To avoid that we can make them execute in sequential.

// Runs on single thread

cargo test -- --test-threads=1

Run test by name

cargo test <testname>


cargo test <string> 

cargo runs all tests containing the string in test name.

Ignore specific tests


adding this will ignore the test

Run ignored tests only

cargo test -- --ignored