Hash Map
A HashMap is a data structure that provides a highly efficient way to store and retrieve key-value pairs. It's often used when you need to associate unique keys with specific values and want fast access to the values based on their keys.
Data type to store data in Key - Value pair.
Keys are used to looking up corresponding values.
Hashing: The keys are processed through a hash function, which converts the key into an index (or hash code) that determines where the key-value pair is stored in the underlying array.
Dynamic Resizing: HashMap dynamically resizes its internal array to maintain performance as the number of elements grows.
Non-Sequential: The order of elements in a HashMap is not guaranteed to be the same as the order in which they were inserted. The order is determined by the hash codes of the keys.
Example: Phone book - Search for the name and get the phone number
Under the hood, a hash function determines how to store data so the value can be quickly located.
In other languages, we have a similar feature.
Map / Dictionary / Associative Array
- All values must have the same data type.
- Each key can only have one value associated with it at a time.
- No duplicate keys.
What is Hashing??
Hashing is a process of transforming any given input (such as a string or a file) into a fixed-size string of characters, which is typically a sequence of numbers and letters.
Fixed-Size Output: No matter the size of the input, the output (called the hash value) will always have a fixed size.
Uniqueness: Ideally, different inputs should produce different hash values, although collisions (where two different inputs produce the same hash value) can happen.
Efficiency: Hashing is designed to be fast and efficient, making it useful for quick data retrieval.
Hasing Example
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; fn main() { let s = "hello world"; // Create a hasher let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); // Hash the string s.hash(&mut hasher); // Get the resulting hash as a u64 let hash_value = hasher.finish(); println!("Hash value for '{}': {}", s, hash_value); }
HashMap Example
use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let mut cities = HashMap::new(); cities.insert("Glassboro", 30000); cities.insert("Mullicahill", 25000); cities.insert("Swedesboro", 28000); println!("cities is {:?}", cities); }
use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let mut cities = HashMap::new(); cities.insert("Glassboro", 30000); cities.insert("Mullicahill", 25000); cities.insert("Swedesboro", 28000); println!("cities is {:?}", cities); //Option 1 - Insert / Overwrite Existing Value cities.insert("Paulsboro", 11000); cities.insert("Glassboro", 31000); println!("cities is {:?}", cities); }
use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let mut cities = HashMap::new(); cities.insert("Glassboro", 30000); cities.insert("Mullicahill", 25000); cities.insert("Swedesboro", 28000); //Option 1 - Update / Overwrite Existing Value cities.insert("Glassboro", 31000); //Option 2 - Insert a new entry if it doesn't exist cities.entry("Depford").or_insert(12000); //Option 3 - Get the value of the Key and perform a mathematical operation let gpopulation = cities.entry("Glassboro").or_insert(0); *gpopulation += 1; //print the hash map values. The print order may or may not be the same //as the insert. It changes from time to time. println!("cities is {:?}", cities); let glassboro_population = cities.get("Glassboro"); if glassboro_population.is_some(){ println!("glassboro_population is {:?}", glassboro_population); } else if glassboro_population.is_none(){ println!("glassboro_population is not available", ); } }
use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let mut cities = HashMap::new(); cities.insert("Glassboro", 30000); cities.insert("Mullicahill", 25000); cities.insert("Swedesboro", 28000); // Remove an entry cities.remove("Mullicahill"); println!("After removal: {:?}", cities); }
Iterating Over the HashMap
use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let mut cities = HashMap::new(); cities.insert("Glassboro", 30000); cities.insert("Mullicahill", 25000); cities.insert("Swedesboro", 28000); // Iterating over the HashMap for (city, population) in &cities { println!("The population of {} is {}", city, population); } }
Check for Existence
use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let mut cities = HashMap::new(); cities.insert("Glassboro", 30000); cities.insert("Mullicahill", 25000); cities.insert("Swedesboro", 28000); // Checking if a key exists if cities.contains_key("Swedesboro") { println!("Swedesboro is in the HashMap"); } else { println!("Swedesboro is not in the HashMap"); } }
use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let mut cities1 = HashMap::new(); cities1.insert("Glassboro", 30000); cities1.insert("Mullicahill", 25000); let mut cities2 = HashMap::new(); cities2.insert("Swedesboro", 28000); cities2.insert("Depford", 12000); // Merging two HashMaps for (city, population) in cities2 { cities1.insert(city, population); } println!("Merged cities: {:?}", cities1); }